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The Lyrics Editor


The Lyrics Editor is a very handy tool for you to use to write, edit, and store your lyrics in one place. These are backed up on a daily basis, so you will never loose them.


The editor is very easy to use. Take a look at the image below.


To get started using the editor, you will not have any records in there yet, so click the Reset button. This routine also applies if you are adding new lyrics.


When you click the Reset button, the fields will clear and show all blanks.


The first field is the Title, so type in your title.


The larger field under the title is for the Lyrics. It behaves much like an editor. Enter your lyrics in there.


Do Not Change the next field. That is the timestamp for the new entry.


The next field is for the Hook.


Click the Save Your Lyrics button and your new lyrics will be added at the bottom of the song list above.


To change any lyrics, click the Edit button. Make your changes and click the Update button.


To Delete any lyric, simply click the Delete button to the right.


That is it. Easy right? Have fun.