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For Lyric Writers


Do you just write lyrics? Do you only need instrumentals? How about instrumentals with vocals?


This service is provided for lyric writers who don't sing or play an instrument. Just send us your lyrics. We will setup a consultation call and discuss what you need. Then, we start building you a fully digital, mixed and mastered song with either in-house vocals with instrumentals or instrumentals only.


We have two offerings shown below: 


1. Instrumentals with Vocals: Just send us your lyrics and we will handle it from there. You will receive a fully digital, radio-ready master copy of your song. First, we will have a Zoom call so you can listen to samples of instrumental tracks. You will then demonstrate how the song should sound. BPM, chord-progression, etc. 


2. Instrumentals Only: Identical to package #1 above, but does not include a vocal track.


Thanks !!