Home > Getting Started > If You Are New, Start Here

If You Are New, Start Here


If you are just getting started, here is an overview about what you need to do and what we are doing behind the scenes.


You: Once you are registered and have logged in, you will be directed to your home page, shown below.

Once you are here, the top row of selections are for you to use to get your songs uploaded and managed. Let's start with the reason you are here.


1. Click "Upload Songs". Once on the upload page, READ the NOTES above the Song Uploads Form. VERY IMPORTANT. If you know what you are doing, smooth sailing. Otherwise :( . 


2. What we offer: You can upload four songs per month. That is, from your sign in date. Your songs will then be pitched on a weekly basis to music industry professionals. Just fill in the form, following the instructions above the form and click the "Upload Your Song" button at the bottom of the form. If you get an error, click the back arrow on your browser and start over. Most errors occur when you include non-alpha numeric characters in the song title or the song name that you are uploading. Remember to follow the instructions carefully.


2a. If you are uploading songs that were either created using AI or any part of it created using AI, you are required to check the box that asks you about it. If so, you are required to indicate this at the top or bottom of your lyrics. Enter "This song can not be used for Sync due to being created with AI". Music Industry Pros will no longer accept songs for publication if they are created with AI. However, if the MIP plans to re-record your song in a studio for an artist, they can take it.


3. Song Status: Clicking this selection will take you to the page that lists all of your uploaded songs and the status of each. All information is kept 100% current so you will never be in the dark about the status of your song.


3a. The "Status" column will show you "In-Review", "Approved", or "Disapproved".


3b. By clicking DETAIL to the right of an Approved Song, you will be directed to the detail status page. This page contains everything that has occurred with your song. Scroll to the very bottom of this page to view who and when your song was pitched to. Staff notes will also appear there.


To continue with this documentation, close this and look for New Members Part II in this same Category.