Home > Getting Started > New Members Part II

New Members Part II


After you login, you will be placed on the home page of the Members Private Portal. This is where you manage all of your songs.

The top row of selections are:


1. Upload Songs: This is where you go to upload new songs.

a. Read the instructions carefully at the top of this page. This will save you

much time and effort.


2. Song Status: This is where you go when you want to view the status of any of your uploaded songs.

a. The graph shown at the top of the page allows you to quickly see what

status each song is in. Green depicts NEW status or your song is

being assigned to staff.

b. BLUE depicts IN REVIEW or your song is being evaluated.

c. ORANGE depicts APPROVED status or your song has been approved

and being moved into the pitch queue.

d. RED depicts DISAPPROVED or your song has been disapproved. You

should receive an email letting you know what is needed for the song

to be approved.

e. The Song Status Viewer just under the Graph shows you the real-time

status of any song. The STATUS column to the right shows you the

state of the song. The ACTION column has the DETAIL and DELETE

Buttons. Clicking on the DETAIL button takes you to the songs detail

status page. Here you can view all of the details about the song such

as when the song was pitched and to who. The DELETE button removes

the song in it's entirety. This is useful when a song has been Disapproved

or you need to remove songs to free up space when you get to 20 songs

(the maximum number of songs you can store) unless you purchased

the plan that allows you to store 30 songs.


3. Song Pitch Status: This page shows when your songs were last pitched.


4. Lyrics Editor: The lyrics editor allows you to create, edit, and delete songs.

This is an ideal place to store all of your songs and they are backed-up

on a daily basis.


5. Client's Home Page: In the top section of your home page, under the

WELCOME!, you will see a CLICK HERE link that will take you to the

Members Information Page. You can make changes here such as add

or change your phone number or address.


The bottom row of selections are services that songwriters can subscribe to.