Home > General FAQ's > Can I Use an AI Song As a Reference

Can I Use an AI Song As a Reference


First, the way AI works.


All AI programs work by accessing huge databases used for data mining. The question arises, "Who is the original creator of the material?" This material could be copyrighted and AI is infringing on that material to create a song. This is where infringement law-suits come in and there are many being filed every day. That being said.


You could legally use AI as a tool, not to produce a finished product for you to distribute. But, to use as a reference. Create a song with AI. YOU, use your "human" skills to make a song that is similar, NOT EXACT. That goes for both the lyrics and the music tracks. Then, YOU create the vocal track(s).


That is no different from listening to a copyrighted song on a CD and creating your own song that is somewhat similar.


Until the powers that be can decide what is legal and what can be copyrighted, I would not touch it with a ten foot pole.