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How Does Your Process Work?


Shown below is the sign-up process and what to do after.


1. Go to the main Home page on SongwritersPortal.com. Point to Services and click Memberships from the drop down box.

2. Scroll to the bottom and you will see "Monthly Plan", "Monthly Auto-Pay", and "Annual Plan". Choose your preference. The "Annual Plan" includes two FREE months for signing up for a year.

3. Click the yellow button at the bottom where you will be directed to Paypal to complete the transaction. We will receive an email of your sign-up.

4. We will then create your login id and password along with your account.

5. You will receive an email from Songwriters Portal that will include your login link, your login id, and password. We do this ourselves due to security reasons.


Your First Login:


1. From the Songwriters Portal main menu, click the "Member Login" button at the top right of the screen.

2. You will be taken to the MEMBER PORTAL login panel.

3. This is where you will always login to your account from. Prior to login for the first time, scroll down a bit and click the MEMBER PORTAL video. It takes a few minutes to play and is well worth watching. It will take you through your song uploads and song status panels.

4. After viewing the training video, scroll back up and click the Member Login button. Enter the login id and password you were emailed.

5. You will land on your Home page. This would be a good time to update all of you information. Complete as many of the fields as possible and click Submit Change. The panel will refresh. Scroll down and click the link "Record Changed (Click to Return).

6. If you wish to view a Quick Status on the status of your songs, scroll down a bit further and you will see this.


This is where we stop with the sign-up and sign-in process. Thanks!!